Event Description
Plastics are now ubiquitous! Single-use plastic, which constitutes more than 50 percent of the global production, mostly ends up in the oceans through local waterways, streams, and rivers. Tracing and managing this waste is further challenged by the breakdown. How do these plastics interact with our physical and biological systems? International conventions, policies, and environmental laws are critical to regulate plastic production, use, and disposal. Most countries have guidelines for managing plastic pollution but policy implementation becomes challenging in the wake of weak governance and lack of suitable alternatives. The session will feature presentations from experts on the impact of plastics on our biodiversity, health, and well-being, and will highlight the current policies and regulations, key challenges, and way forward in managing the crisis of plastics.
Event Information
Free and open to the public; registration required. Please visit the event webpage for additional information. Hosted by Columbia Global Centers | Mumbai and Global Columbia Collaboratory.