
Past Event

Rediscovering Words and Worlds - Arabic Script Collections at Columbia University

February 16, 2017 - February 17, 2017
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM
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Columbia University (Multiple Locations)
Schedule of Arabic Script event at Columbia University on beige background

There is a substantial collection of “Islamic” manuscripts housed at the university’s Rare Book and Manuscripts Library (RBML), as well as in some other affiliated institutions, that are either not catalogued or poorly done so. This three­day workshop will explore the many worlds of the collections, and includes a panel of librarians and paleographers discussing the issues surrounding cataloguing of multilingual collections acquired through several decades, as well as intensive workshops on paleography, codicology, and study of lithographs. The goal of this workshop is to catalyze a longer-term project to catalogue and study these collections at Columbia.

RSVP required; please refer to the program schedule for exact locations and details.