Event Description:
All Columbia University (including Barnard College and Teachers College) students, faculty, and staff are invited to join the Center for Science and Society for an informal lunch to celebrate the start of the 2019-2020 year! Learn more about our growing community, chat with other interdisciplinary-minded scholars, and connect with our staff to learn more about our:
- Upcoming events, including some especially for students
- Seed and public outreach grants, up to $3000 each
- New student video contest
- Hand-picked interdisciplinary course-listings
The Center for Science and Society promotes interdisciplinary discussion and collaboration between the sciences and the humanities, arts and social sciences. For our fifth anniversary, we want to showcase what we've achieved and our plans for the future via the theme "Knowledge and Access." Throughout the year, we will explore this idea further through a series of events and programs.
Event Information:
All Columbia University community members are welcome and encouraged to attend. RSVP is required via EventBrite with a valid Columbia email address. Please contact [email protected].
If you would like to receive updates on our current and future events and funding opportunities, please sign up for our Newsletter. Any student who signs up with their Columbia email (or updates their preferences to indicate they are a student) between August 28, 2019 and September 24, 2019 will be entered into our raffle for an Amazon Gift card.