Event Description
Unlike basic science, where knowledge generation is the domain of scientists alone, research conducted for the purpose of decision-making involves broad publics with their own knowledge systems and values. Since the 1990s, the U.S. federal government has established climate research and decision-support programs to produce science that supports local, regional, and national policies. Federal agencies are increasingly using the term co-production to describe engagement with diverse groups of stakeholders in which new knowledge or products are created within these types of programs. One of the challenges, however, is developing equitable processes that address the needs of all communities, facilitating their ability to meaningfully participate.
Alondra Nelson will give a keynote presentation on co-producing knowledge with communities, followed by a moderated discussion. During the second hour, representatives from American Geophysical Union’s Thriving Earth Exchange will lead a forum in which audience members will have opportunities to speak about their own experiences, answering the question “What does equitable co-production look like in practice?” and “Optimally, what should it look like?”
Event Speaker
Alondra Nelson, Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
Event Information
Free and open to the public; registration required. For more information, please visit the event webpage. Please email Thomas Thornton at [email protected] with any questions. Hosted by the National Academy of Sciences.