The ideal candidate for a CASBS fellowship is a highly accomplished academic or thinker (relative to career stage).
Fellows must reside during their fellowship term in a community within fifteen miles of the Center. San Francisco, Berkeley, the East Bay, and San Jose, for example, do not fulfill this requirement.
As appropriate, stipends for the academic year will be awarded to supplement faculty sabbatical support; a significant portion of the fellow's total support is generally provided by sabbatical funds and external funding from awards and grants secured by the fellow. Except in unusual circumstances, Center stipend support is contingent on the applicant's provision of firm assurances of matching funds.
The Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences (CASBS) offers a residential fellowship program for scholars working in a diverse range of disciplines that contribute to advancing research and thinking in social science. Fellows represent the core social and behavioral sciences (anthropology, economics, history, political science, psychology, and sociology) but also the humanities, education, linguistics, communications, and the biological, natural, health, and computer sciences. The Center is pleased to partner with several entities to provide funding for some residential fellowships. For 2020-21, Chinese University of Hong Kong, National University of Singapore, Presence-CASBS, and Stanford-Taiwan Social Science fellowships will be offered through CASBS.
CASBS is a collaborative environment that fosters the serendipity arising from unexpected intellectual encounters. The Center believes that cross-disciplinary interactions lead to beneficial transformations in thinking and research. CASBS seeks fellows who will be influential with, and open to influence by, their colleagues in the diverse multidisciplinary cohort we assemble for a given year.
Please visit the posting webpage for application requirements.