To be eligible entries should:
- Be a self-contained website (including blogs and other web-based projects), available in English, whose overall content is in HSTM, or a distinct HSTM subsection of a website, such as an online exhibition section of a museum website.
- Have been created or updated with substantial new content within the last two calendar years (from the entry deadline).
- Communicate HSTM to a non-specialist audience and/or make new resources available for the study of HSTM.
- Reflect current best practice in the discipline.
- Make effective use of the medium.
In 2015 The British Society for the History of Science launched the Ayrton prize, a new prize recognizing outstanding web projects and digital engagement in the history of science, technology and medicine (HSTM). The society is now accepting applications for 2017. Entrants do not have to be members of the BSHS and can be based in any country. In addition to an award in the amount of £300, the winning project will form the centerpiece of an issue of the BSHS magazine, Viewpoint, and all shortlisted entries will also be featured on the BSHS website.
For more details on how to enter, please visit the BSHS website.