Associated Faculty at Columbia University

Columbia and Barnard have particular faculty strengths in late medieval, early modern and twentieth-century US history of science, public health, and medicine, and growing strength in the global history of science. We aim to train students able to integrate the history of science, medicine, and of knowledge-formation into larger regional histories. Comparison among areas of the world and consideration of the international dynamics of knowledge-production will be strongly encouraged. The depth of the faculty at Columbia and Barnard in international and world history facilitates such comparative and international perspectives.

In addition to training historians of science, we offer scholars of all regions and periods powerful tools for historically understanding the roles of science as a significant force within modern societies with ramifications of all kinds—social, intellectual, cultural. Far from isolating the history of science from history, we work to include science in a more substantial way in survey teaching and graduate training in the humanities, more generally.

Associated Faculty in the Department of History

Associated Faculty Across Columbia University