Speaker: Sandra Soo-Jin Lee, Stanford University
Precision medicine research relies on the massive collection of biospecimens, electronic health records, and other sources of behavioral and environmental data. Towards this effort, the “All of Us” Precision Medicine Initiative aims to enroll one million volunteers from a broad spectrum of the U.S. population into long-term prospective studies. Dr. Lee will discuss shifts in subjectivities from “patient” to “consumer” to the “good citizen” in the context of precision medicine, and how consumption of genetic information creates new modes of being in the management of health and risk.
Sandra Soo-Jin Lee, Ph.D., is a Senior Research Scholar and medical anthropologist who focuses on the social and ethical dimensions of emerging technologies and their integration into clinical practice. Dr. Lee leads studies of public understandings of research using clinical data and samples, concepts of race, culture and human genetic variation, and citizen science, commercialization of biotechnology and entrepreneurship. She is co-editor of Revising Race in a Genomic Age and is faculty in the Stanford Program in Science, Technology and Society.
This event is part of the Columbia Precision Medicine Initiative’s series, Precision Medicine: Ethics, Politics, and Culture.