Event Description:
What makes for a good story? Good narratives recognize and account for the fact that stories are complex and influenced by the perspectives of the person--or entity--telling the stories and the context in which the stories are told.
Hear from acclaimed artists about how they approach the challenge of telling authentic communal narratives through a range of mediums from film, community screenings, and gallery-style installations to the emerging technology of artificial intelligence (AI).
Rachel Falcone of Storyline will share their participatory approach to documenting some of the biggest economic and environmental crises of our time, sharing media from their projects Housing is a Human Right and Water Warriors. How can stories that affect so many build power and create change?
Stephanie Dinkins will introduce her project Not the Only One, the AI memoir of an American family and platform to create dialog about artificial intelligence as it intersects race, gender, and our future histories. Not the Only One challenges linear narrative by recounting stories that collapse past, present, and future.
Fred Chong Rutherford will share a story about his grandmother, Carbon Monoxide poisoning, and stories of Gwisin 귀신 in Korea.