Event Description:
Stem cells are cells that can divide indefinitely, forming other stem cells or specialized cells, such as skin, muscle, heart, brain or any other type of cells with a specific function. Stem cell division is a terribly important process that ensures correct development of the organism. In this talk, you will learn about the science of stem cells, with a particular focus on the ones that populate the brain, Dr. Chiara Bertipagliawill present cutting edge research about major neurodevelopmental clinical conditions that are caused by defects in the process of brain stem cell division, and how stem cells could possibly be used as therapeutic treatment of human diseases.
Event Speaker:
- Dr. Chiara Bertipaglia, Scientific Program Manager at Columbia University’s Zuckerman Institute and Know Science Vice President
Event Information:
These talks are geared toward an adult audience. Advance registration recommended. For more information, please contact [email protected].
Presented by Know Science and Columbia's Zuckerman Institute.