

Job Opportunity: Postdoctoral Associates, Digital Tokugawa Lab, Yale University

April 22, 2019


  • Several skillsets are prioritized: fluent Japanese, Japanese history, GIS, programming/computer science, statistics, data analysis, and text mining (esp. information extraction) as well as other Digital Humanities methods. There is no expectation that individual applicants have expertise in all these areas, or even in both digital methods and Japanese history; but an interest in both the methods and the content is highly desirable.
  • Ph.D. should be awarded by June 15, 2019. 


The Council on East Asian Studies at Yale University invites applications for postdoctoral associate positions in the CEAS Digital Tokugawa Lab. The appointment period is from July 1st, 2019 – June 30th, 2020.

The Digital Tokugawa Lab is a working group of one faculty member (Fabian Drixler) and up to three postdoctoral or postgraduate associates who will collaborate on one or more shared projects for one year. The highest priority in 2019-20 will be the creation of a series of digital maps for Tokugawa Japan’s territorial structure, based in part on the results of text mining. The maps are likely to be widely used by historians and other scholars, as they address a longstanding need: at present, the territories of Tokugawa Japan have been fully mapped for 1664 and ca. 1868 only, and even for those two years, there is considerable scope for improvement.

Time permitting, the lab may undertake other projects in which text mining, data analysis, GIS, and Tokugawa history come together. Postdoctoral associates are expected to devote at least 28 hours per week to the collaboration, and are free to spend the remainder of their time on their own research.


To apply, please submit a cover letter highlighting your interest in this collaboration as well as your relevant skills; CV; dissertation abstract; transcripts; and 2 letters of recommendation.

Please visit the position posting for additional information. For questions, please contact [email protected]