While we welcome applicants with related research agendas, candidates will be evaluated primarily based on excellence in teaching.
The School of Foreign Service has a long and successful tradition of combining traditional scholars and seasoned practitioners in the delivery of education. We welcome applicants from either background. While the disciplinary background is open, the candidate must demonstrate mastery of at least one area of science or technology and its linkages to important international policy questions.
The School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University is consistently recognized as one of the premier foreign policy schools in the world. The STIA major, Science, Technology, and International Affairs Program, seeks to fill a newly created, Non-Tenure Line position of Teaching Professor and Director of Curriculum. In addition, the STIA program will soon lead the implementation of an innovative, policy relevant science requirement for all School of Foreign Service students as well as newly planned contributions to its renowned master’s programs.
To support this expansion, the STIA Program seeks to fill a newly created, Non-Tenure Line position of Teaching Professor and Director of Curriculum. The appointment may be at the Assistant, Associate or Full Professor Level. The initial appointment will be for a period of 3 or 5 years depending on level and renewable depending on performance and need.
Specific duties of the position:
- Develop and deliver 5 classes per year appropriate to the STIA mission and needs as well as candidate expertise. During the first year, the teaching load will be reduced.
- Under the guidance of the STIA Director, oversee strategic curriculum planning and management at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Manage the identification and use of a highly dedicated cadre of adjunct faculty to fill gaps and creating new learning opportunities.
- Play a strategic role in the design and staffing of a new set of required courses that rigorously introduce policy relevant science concepts to non-science majors.
- Contribute to the development of new models of curriculum and course delivery.
Complete applications will include a cover letter and curriculum vitae. Examples of course syllabi, course evaluations or other evidence of teaching excellence may also be included. Shortlisted candidates will also be asked to supply three letters of reference. The position will commence in the Summer or Fall of 2017. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis beginning December 15, 2016 until the position is filled.
Applications for this position should be submitted online at: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/8376.
Questions about the online application system should be directed to Nicholas Starvaggi, Director of Finance, at [email protected]. Queries about the position should be directed to Dr. Mark Giordano, Director of the STIA Program, at [email protected].