Interested candidates must hold a PhD at the time of appointment.
The South Asia Institute and the Institute for Research on Women, Gender, and Sexuality at Columbia University invite applications for a part-time position from scholars working on gender issues in South Asia in any field--history, anthropology, public health, religion, literature and the arts, etc.
This is an adjunct appointment for up to two terms, beginning in Spring 2020, or Fall 2020 (one class per term, up to two terms); or for two instructors to teach one course each in the above time frame. Instruction is expected to be at the upper undergraduate or MA level.
Interested candidates should submit a C.V. and cover letter. The cover letter should include a brief description of the proposed course(s) that applicants propose to teach.
Applications should be sent via email to: William Carrick (Associate Director, South Asia Institute) at [email protected]. Please view the posting page for additional information.