

Dresden Summer 2016 Workshop – International Academy for the Arts

April 30, 2016


Intended as a specialized and intensive study course this week-long summer program addresses both senior and junior museum professionals, as well as those seeking to get to know the magnificent Dresden collections from behind the scenes. The course seeks to explore topics relevant to contemporary international museum and exhibition practice; participants are invited to share ideas with colleagues from all over the world. The 2016 Dresden Summer – International Academy for the Arts will take place from August 27 -  September 3, 2016.

In 2016 , the focus for the ‘Dresden Summer – International Academy for the Arts’ will be ‘collecting’: Who collects what, when, and why? How do different approaches towards and/or different reasons for collecting affect the presentation and observation of objects? Participants will explore these topics by intensively studying the world-renowned Dresden collections through specialized guided tours, behind-the-scenes visits with experts from the conservation and curatorial departments, close examination of selected objects, expert talks and discussions.


For further information, please, visit the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden website.