

Call for Submissions: 2020 Sociology Graduate Conference, New School for Social Research in New York

February 14, 2020


2020 Sociology Graduate Conference invites its participants to ruminate on the current shift in temporal perspective towards the future within and beyond academia. It asks them to engage in a sociological inquiry of future-making, and to reflect on the potentials and challenges this endeavor brings with it. In the spirit of reflexivity, the conference additionally orients our attention towards the discipline itself. What new theoretical and methodological paradigms should the future of Sociology embody? To answer this question, the conference encourages a normatively-grounded, speculative mode of thinking: the intellectual project of envisioning, building and inhabiting desired futures. In addition to traditional academic papers, the conference enthusiastically welcomes efforts to decenter the textual form as the sine qua non of sociological research, instead taking seriously the generative capacities of multimedia modalities: sensory, visual, oral, olfactory and sonic sociologies. As a result, participants are welcome to submit film, sound, visuals, performances etc. in lieu of a paper.

The conference will be held Saturday, April 4, 2020 from 10AM - 9PM at the New School for Social Research. 


Please submit an abstract of the presentation (maximum 300 words) with the name, institutional affiliation, academic level, and media/space needed of the proposer to [email protected]

Please visit the conference website for additional informatin.