Applicants must be faculty, research scholars, or research scientists at Columbia University, appointed in one of the six social science departments in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences or the School of International and Public Affairs. At least one applicant per workshop or seminar team must be a full-time faculty member.
Up to $10,000 for one year. Funding can cover travel and lodging, honoraria, workshop refreshments or meals, and a small stipend for a graduate student coordinator. Possible renewable for one additional year based on end-of-year activity report.
The Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy (ISERP) is pleased to issue its annual request for workshop and seminar proposals. The goal of ISERP workshop and seminar support is to bring together scholars from within and across disciplines to focus on matters of common interest. ISERP-sponsored workshops and seminars take myriad forms: some focus on scholars’ works in progress, others serve as speaker series for innovative work. All ISERP workshops and seminars are free and open to the public. ISERP invites proposals for new workshops or seminars for the 2021-2022 calendar year.
Please visit the posting webpage for full application requirements.