The lead Principal Investigator is expected to be a full-time Columbia University officer of instruction or officer of research of higher rank than postdoctoral researcher. There can be up to four co-PIs per proposal. Co-PIs need not be members of the Columbia University community.
$5,000 - $100,000 total per project, for two years.
The Earth Institute will be evaluating project proposals under its new Earth Frontiers seed-funding program for Columbia University faculty and researchers. The purpose of the program is to support the development of new interdisciplinary projects that capitalize on the breadth of expertise of the University to produce new knowledge, and in some cases, formulate, disseminate and, if practical, implement science-based solutions and policies to sustainability problems.
The Institute is especially interested in seeding novel research projects that bring together researchers from across the University and proposals that combine both research and practice are welcome.
Please visit the Call for Proposals page for additional information, included the full proposal guidelines. For additional information, contact Gabriella Cohen at 212-854-0418 or [email protected].