Core Lecturers and tenured or tenure-track faculty at Columbia University (including Barnard College) in any discipline.
$3,000 research allowance to be used for the development and teaching of the course over the following two years.
Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis but should be submitted no later than September 28, 2018.
For more information, see the Call for Proposals.
The Center for Science and Society at Columbia University invites proposals for the development of new undergraduate and graduate curricular offerings in the study of science and society. The aim is to introduce courses that can be offered within current departmental structures, or as part of already-existing majors and concentrations, that bring significant discussion of science and society into these offerings. This is the fifth round of grants; information on the courses funded in the previous rounds is available on our Course Development Grant Overview page.
In order to apply, please complete the Call for Proposals form and submit it, along with a one-page proposal and a full CV for each instructor, to Melinda Miller, Associate Director, The Center for Science and Society, [email protected]