

Call for Papers: Workshop for the History of Environment, Agriculture, Technology, and Science

April 15, 2016


The Department of History at Rutgers University is pleased to be hosting the annual WHEATS meeting September 30 - October 2, 2016. Now in its twelfth year, the Workshop for the History of Environment, Agriculture, Technology, and Science (WHEATS) brings together graduate students and recent PhDs studying the history of the environment, agriculture, science, and/or technology. WHEATS is open to submissions from any discipline with interests in these fields. Papers—generally 25 to 30 pages—are circulated in advance to all participants. During the workshop, papers receive individual feedback from participants and senior scholars through roundtable discussion. This format is well suited for works in progress, including articles and dissertation chapters. The workshop will include a session on publishing and provide opportunities for participants to engage with students and faculty affiliated with the Science, Technology, Environment, and Health program in the Department of History at Rutgers. Food and housing (two nights) will be provided for the duration of the conference, and presenters will receive a travel grant of up to $300 to help cover their travel to New Brunswick.


Potential participants should submit a one-page abstract (up to 250 words) and a brief curriculum vitae by April 15, 2016. Applicants will be notified of acceptance by May 15th, and completed papers from accepted applicants will be due for pre-circulation on August 15. Please see the conference website for details and to apply.