Applicants must hold a PhD by September 1 of the year they apply. Senior scholars are particularly encouraged to apply.
The stipend for this long-term post-doctoral fellowship is $30,000 for six consecutive months.
The Margaret Henry Dabney Penick Resident Scholar Program supports scholarly research into the legacy of Patrick Henry and his political circle, the early political history of Virginia, the history of the American Revolution, founding era ideas and policy-making, as well as science, technology, and culture in colonial America and the Early National Period.
Fellows are expected to give at least one public lecture during the tenure of their fellowship, as well as to submit a research report and to show definite progress toward a publishable manuscript by the end of the fellowship period. Fellows may be asked to cooperate with the Smithsonian Libraries’ administration in planning and organizing a scholarly program in their area of expertise. Scholarships are offered every other year.
For more information and to apply, please visit the Smithsonian Libraries website.