All formal requirements for a PhD must be completed by December 31, 2019.
The Deep Time Peter Buck Fellow will join a diverse intellectual community at the National Museum of Natural History (NMNH) and two other Deep Time Peter Buck Fellows involved in research, education, and outreach activities relating to the new NMNH Fossil Halls (Deep Time) exhibition, opening in June 2019.
The Deep Time Buck Fellowship is a two-year postdoctoral fellowship for research in paleobiology. This fellowship involves 75% time commitment to research and 25% time commitment toward advancing science education at NMNH through direct interaction with our public.
Please visit the posting webpage for application information.
To apply, send the following application materials to Dr. Brian Huber, [email protected]. Questions regarding the fellowship should be emailed to Dr. Anna K. Behrensmeyer, [email protected] or Dr. Brian Huber, [email protected]. Interviews and the decision about the next Deep Time Fellow are expected to occur during mid-August to mid-September, 2019.