Event Description
Legal Action Center and the Research Cluster on the Historical Study of Race, Inequality, and Health is hosting a national No Health = No Justice convening to confront the issues of racism and inequality within both the health and criminal justice systems. The convening will provide an opportunity to spotlight innovative state and local models for reform and identify collective next steps that can be undertaken to de-carcerate our nation and foster health equity, particularly for individuals living with mental illness and substance use disorders.
The No Health = No Justice campaign is a natural outgrowth of Legal Action Center’s nearly 50 year mission to eradicate discrimination against people in need of substance use treatment and/or who have criminal records. It is also borne out of our frustration and bewilderment that while many initiatives are now underway to reform the criminal justice system, they have not included a cross-sector approach that recognizes the relationship between systemic racism, mass incarceration and inadequate community health care systems.
Event Information
This event is free and open to the public, please register via the online platform. Please contact Victoria Palacio at [email protected] with any questions.
Event Sponsors: