Spanish and Latin American Cultures
Undergraduate Lecture
Tu Th 1:10-2:25PM
With its long history of colonialism, economic exploitation, and appropriation of natural resources, Latin America offers a privileged vantage point to study the arrival of the “Anthropocene,” a proposed new geological epoch where humans have become the main force shaping the planet. In order to shift the perspective away from the standard narrative of European development, this course invites students to collectively develop the idea of a “Latin American Anthropocene.” In the age of rising sea levels, mass extinction, and carbon-driven climate change, can our disciplines remain untouched by such an alarming state of affairs? This course encourages students to reflect on how the present ecological crisis forces us to break with traditional ways of understanding society, culture, and nature, as well as with common methods to interpret the past and imagine the future.
Link to Vergil
Note: only courses offered during the two previous semesters have active Vergil links.