

Job Opportunity: Assistant Professor in History of Science, Boğaziçi University

May 7, 2020


Applicants must have a PhD by the time of the job offer, excellent command of English, as well as advanced knowledge of a second language in the candidate’s field of expertise. At least one major publication in English (either an article in an international peer-reviewed journal, or a book chapter in a volume published by an internationally acclaimed publisher) is required.


The Department of History at Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, invites applications for two full-time assistant professors in the field of history of science. The position requires teaching undergraduate courses and graduate seminars in the history of science, along with survey courses in the candidate’s broader field (Islamic, Ottoman, or European/American history). Professors will teach a minimum of two courses per semester while balancing an active research program. 


Please visit the Call for Applications for full submission instructions.