

Call for Papers: Working Groups in the History of Science, Technology and Medicine

August 5, 2019


The Consortium for History of Science, Technology and Medicine brings together educational, cultural and scientific institutions to promote public and academic understanding of the history of science, technology and medicine. The Consortium awards fellowships for researchers, produces events for academics and for the public and provides online resources for teaching, learning and research.

The Consortium’s working groups bring together scholars for monthly meetings in specialized fields related to the history of science, technology and medicine to share their works in progress. All interested scholars are welcome, either in person at the Consortium's offices in Philadelphia, or online via web conferencing software. We are currently soliciting paper proposals for the 2019-2020 academic year in the following working groups:


Anyone interested in sharing a draft article, dissertation chapter or book chapter for discussion should submit, as a single PDF, a proposal of no more than 1000 words including: 

  • a description of the paper
  • what you hope to gain from discussion with the group
  • relevant biographical information

Proposals may be submitted on the Consortium's website.